School holidays are such hard work (and expensive!)

I have 2 boys (6 & 4 years old) who are on holiday from school and as I mentioned before they are FULL of energy. In fact, my eldest son Lucas was the whole reason that I started Leapfrog Sports as I wanted a way that wasn’t just football for him to burn off his energy!

Now it is Easter and they are both off school and I am trying to do some work (not happening!) and keep them entertained too – not an easy thing to do at all, especially when the weather isn’t great!! So this week, keeping to the topic of being active, I thought I could tell you about a couple of the activities we have done to get them moving, burn off some energy and for my sake tire them out so I can sit down and have a cuppa!!

Golf – it is possibly with the exception of swimming or ice skating, the only sport we don’t cover but it is great fun. Swinging the clubs around, working on hand-eye coordination and concentration. There is also an element of maths with adding your score you do need some patience for waiting for your turn. I can’t guarantee there won’t be any tantrums but if you keep it fairly light hearted and not worry too much about the rules we all had a great time. Alternatively, we have also gone down to a driving range where the kids were able to practice hitting the balls. You would be surprised how long it keeps them entertained and this certainly tired them out.

Walking – Things to love about a walk is that it is free and easy – just step outside of your house, but not the most exciting activity. We have a dog (here she is!) so are always walking and a long walk is a great way for the family to get active with no cost involved and at any time. To make it more interesting we designate a leader and we take turns as to who decides which way to go, eg they might choose to go left or straight on down the road. We have also done scavenger hunts, where we look out for interesting objects on the way, you could even make a list of things to look for before you go eg leaves or bugs. You could even turn a walk into an obstacle course, eg balance on the cracks in the pavement, run to the lamppost. There is no excuse if it is raining either as just get your wellies on and see how many puddles you can jump in.

Trampolining – This has become really popular recently and although it really isn’t cheap, we went for a trampolining session and I joined in too and it was great fun! My top tip if you have younger children is to go first thing in the morning, the older children don’t seem to go until later and although it would be tempting to sit and have a coffee while the kids play, get jumping too!! Also great for rainy days.

Leapfrog Sports Session! Our Saturday classes run throughout the holidays, so come and burn some energy playing sport.

I still have 5 days of the holidays left to go – wish me luck – and if I’m not too exhausted I’ll be back with another blog next week!

PS– thank you to all of you that have voted, it really means a lot – just a couple of days left to go!

PPS – please let me know about anything you do to get your kids active in the holidays


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