Category: News

  • Feedback is a Gift?

    Feedback is a gift?

    Never has this well known phrase been as true as it is for me now. I was always sceptical and often said it to friends in a joking way while poking fun at them, but now having started Leapfrog Sports I have been receiving really positive feedback that I am full of pride with how well the classes are doing, how much the children seem to love them and the fact that nearly all the places are now filled and nearly everyone re-signed up must mean that we are doing something right BUT I am still really curious as to what parents and the children in our classes really think, what do they love, what would they change, what do they think we should start doing? For me this feedback truly would be ‘a gift’!

    I have designed a short feedback form that I will be asking parents to complete over the next week or so, or please feel free to click on the link below to complete it:

    These forms will be completely anonymous so please be as honest as you like and can be. Everything you include will assist Leapfrog Sports to grow and improve and lets see how many gifts I can get!

    The sport for this week is Hockey and it has been great to see the progression the children have made moving from Bronze to the Silver term and building on the core skills we have been covering over the weeks. We’ll see you in class!


  • News Update – 13th January 2015

    It has been a fantastic start to the new year for Leapfrog Sports. Firstly, it has been great to be back to classes and the Tennis week has been a real success.

    I am also really proud that all but 3 of the children re-signed up to the classes and in the first week alone we have had 15 trial sessions, with another 10 more over the next week. Our Sunday classes are now nearly fully booked with only 1 or 2 spaces in each of the 3 classes – Leapfrog is really taking off!

    If you do have any friends that you think maybe interested in the classes, get them to get in touch quickly!

    If you haven’t seen, we are also now selling our T-shirts and these have also been popular with nearly half going already. We only have limited numbers of these at our special ‘thank you’ rate of £5.50 so get yours quickly.

    Get ready for Handball this week…. we’ll see you there


  • News Update – 5th January 2015

    So the holidays are nearly over, I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. I can’t wait to get back to the classes and I hope you can’t either! This time of year is great for thinking about becoming more active and healthy and there is no better way than a fun introduction at a young age to instil a lifelong love of sport.

    We are still getting lots of contacts asking for trial classes and Sundays are still proving extremely popular, while Thursday and Friday are steadily building. Don’t forget to take opportunity of our Refer a Friend offer and please let as many people know about us as you can.

    We are currently thinking about our goals for the coming year for what we would like to achieve from Leapfrog Sports. To begin this we will be introducing a feedback page on our website (which can be completed anonymously) to find out what you really think, what you like or love and what you think we can improve on. We’d be so grateful if you could fill this out for us and will be sending the details out to everyone soon – so look out for it!

    See you in class this week- I can’t wait!

  • News Update – 23rd December 2014

    Well, we have completed our first ever term of Leapfrog Sports! What a term it has been – starting the classes, Amanda joining the team, meeting and getting to know all the children (and parents/guardians!) that have joined and the best part of all has been seeing how much the children are enjoying the classes and the progression they have made while completing our Bronze term. It was great to hand out the certificates and medals to everyone and really made both the children and us feel a sense of achievement.

    Now we are turning our attention to next year and moving onto our Silver term where we will be building on the skills we have started to learn. We will also be covering some of the sports we didn’t do during the last half term including Rugby and Tennis.

    We are still trying to get the word out about Leapfrog Sports to give people the opportunity to join us, so don’t forget our Refer a Friend offer that is running, please ask as many friends and family as you can to join us!

    From all at Leapfrog Sports, we wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy and sporty New Year!

    PS Don’t forget to like our page on Facebook (Leapfrog Sports) and follow us on Twitter (@LeapfrogSports)!

  • News Update – 9th December 2014

    We have been really impressed with how well the children have picked up the Hockey skills that we covered this week, the ball control was excellent and the sticks all remained on the ground!

    Time is flying and we are now starting to think about next term. We will be giving out the details to everyone in the classes from this week about signing up for next term. This will be our Silver term and we will be progressing and building on the skills we began to cover from the current bronze term.

    We are running for 2 more weeks before we break up for Christmas and next week is Volleyball!!

    See you there,


  • News Update – 1st December 2014

    Last week we covered Rounders and this week the sport was Athletics and it has been so much fun introducing the children to sports they have never tried before. It really made me see that it would be the wrong thing to focus on just one sport exclusively as the children really enjoyed the different activities- and so did we! We also found some fab throwers, jumpers, batters and fielders. It is so lovely to see how trying the different sports is building their confidence.

    Lots of the parents couldn’t resist trying out the javelins- just to show their children of course, not to see how far they could throw it themselves 😉

    It definitely keeps it interesting with a new sport each week and next week we have hockey to look forward to…. can’t wait!


  • News Update – 18th November 2014

    Last weeks sport was Football and the children had fun scoring loads of goals and using balloons for heading practice! We had supporters of some abstract football teams (as well as the usual suspects!) including 2 separate families in one class supporting Grimsby Town!

    Next week we are moving onto Rounders, which I am looking forward to, as I would imagine for all of the children this will be their first time playing this sport compared to football where all had tried it before. It will be introducing new skills for them and who knows – they may end up playing for England. I’m sure it will bring back memories of playing at school for the parents too.

    I also spoke to a lovely lady earlier today, who was interested in paying for a term of classes for her nephew as a different Christmas present, which I thought was a lovely idea for both the child and the parents – is there anyone that you feel would like a Leapfrog Sports term for a Christmas present? Please contact me to discuss if this is something that would interest you.

    We’ll look forward to seeing you all for Rounders this week!


  • News Update – 10th November 2014

    We have finished our first week in the first ever term of Leapfrog Sports! This week the focus was on the core skill of balance, with loads of fun including moving around like animals and balancing on different body parts. We then began building on one of the sports we covered in the trial classes – Basketball (it made us laugh to see the dads tempted to try to score in the real basketball hoop in the gym!)

    As we are a brand new company, I have been so pleased with how many people enjoyed the trial classes we held and signed up to the term of classes so far, but we still need to get the word out about Leapfrog Sports. Please feel free to comment below if you have any ideas of how we can do this? My hubby keeps telling me it will continue to build through word of mouth, but it’s hard when starting your own business not to worry!

    Next week we are moving onto football, (I can’t wait to see the dads showing off their football skills!) Check back next week for another update and we are planning on including some videos soon too…

    See you at the classes,


  • Amanda Joins the Leapfrog Team!

    We are pleased to announce that Amanda has now joined the team as Class Assistant!
    She is looking forward to meeting you all and can’t wait for the classes to begin.

  • Free Sports Sessions in October

    Leapfrog Sports is starting in Solihull and we are offering free sports sessions so you can get a feel for exactly what we are offering.

    These classes are running on: 23rd / 24th and 26th October and the following week on 30th/ 31st October and 2nd November. Please see our timetable for the times and age groups.

    These will be a special session where we will cover a variety of warm ups, core skill games and a number of different sports so you can see how fun these classes will be and the skills your child will gain from attending.

    We would love for you to join us, so please contact us to book your place!

    If you are unable to make these sessions, we do offer a free taster class to everyone, so contact us to book or for more information.