Last weeks sport was Football and the children had fun scoring loads of goals and using balloons for heading practice! We had supporters of some abstract football teams (as well as the usual suspects!) including 2 separate families in one class supporting Grimsby Town!
Next week we are moving onto Rounders, which I am looking forward to, as I would imagine for all of the children this will be their first time playing this sport compared to football where all had tried it before. It will be introducing new skills for them and who knows – they may end up playing for England. I’m sure it will bring back memories of playing at school for the parents too.
I also spoke to a lovely lady earlier today, who was interested in paying for a term of classes for her nephew as a different Christmas present, which I thought was a lovely idea for both the child and the parents – is there anyone that you feel would like a Leapfrog Sports term for a Christmas present? Please contact me to discuss if this is something that would interest you.
We’ll look forward to seeing you all for Rounders this week!
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