We have finished our first week in the first ever term of Leapfrog Sports! This week the focus was on the core skill of balance, with loads of fun including moving around like animals and balancing on different body parts. We then began building on one of the sports we covered in the trial classes – Basketball (it made us laugh to see the dads tempted to try to score in the real basketball hoop in the gym!)
As we are a brand new company, I have been so pleased with how many people enjoyed the trial classes we held and signed up to the term of classes so far, but we still need to get the word out about Leapfrog Sports. Please feel free to comment below if you have any ideas of how we can do this? My hubby keeps telling me it will continue to build through word of mouth, but it’s hard when starting your own business not to worry!
Next week we are moving onto football, (I can’t wait to see the dads showing off their football skills!) Check back next week for another update and we are planning on including some videos soon too…
See you at the classes,
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