Meet the team (Part 8) Ariana Grande and Mushrooms?!

Hi Everyone,

As promised this week it is the turn of Lydia, who is one of our Assistant Coaches at Alderbrook school on Saturday morning. She has now been working with us for about 6 weeks and I thought it was time to get to know Lydia better with the help of our insightful questions!
(I can tell I’m getting old – I had to google her Karaoke song as I’d never heard of it!!)

1) What is your favourite sport?


2) What makes you laugh the most?

My friends and family.

3) What is your favourite and your worst food?

My favourite food is chocolate and my worst food is mushrooms.

4) What song would you sing at karaoke?

Ariana Grande – Honeymoon Avenue.

5) If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

The ability to change how someone is feeling.

6) What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to choreograph dances and practice special FX makeup.

7) What 3 people, living or dead, would you invite to dinner?

Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Ariana Grande because they are all my biggest inspirations and huge icons around different times.

8) Tell us a bit about yourself…

I make YouTube videos focussed around makeup and fashion, I am also a dance teacher as well as a dancer. I also am studying 3 creative A levels (dance, art and media) and am hoping to study specialist makeup and hair at university next year!

9) Why did you want to work for Leapfrog Sports and what do you enjoy the most about working for Leapfrog Sports?

I wanted to work for Leapfrog because I love teaching the younger children at my dance classes and have volunteered many time in nurseries and schools. My favourite thing about Leapfrog is how fun it is and that it doesn’t feel like work to me because I really enjoy it.

Coming soon it is the turn of our most recent member of the team Imogen to be questioned (interrogated?!)



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