Meet the Team (Part 4) – My turn for the questioning!

In the next part of our ‘Meet the Team’ series the time has come for me to answer the questions! You can see my answers below.

Other news from the last week has been that I have been recruiting for a new assistant coach to join us (more details on that soon) have been asked to run some sessions in a school holiday club over the summer, which I’m really excited about and we are starting to get party bookings! If you haven’t seen or heard yet we are now offering parties ( and look our for our brand new flyers in the classes soon.

Right, on with the questions…

1) What is your favourite sport?

I don’t really have a favourite sport, which is probably why I started a multi-sports class! I do quite like to watch American Football and am a Seattle Seahawks fan, although I did start to support them when they weren’t doing so well.

2) What makes you laugh the most?

This is a difficult one but probably my children, the funny things they say and do, faces they pull and even the tantrums over the most ridiculous things!

3) What is your favourite and your worst food?

My favourite food is probably curry (what’s wrong with you Amanda?!) and my least is Peas.

4) What song would you sing at karaoke?

I am such a bad singer that I would NEVER sing in public but if I had to I’d probably choose something like Grease Megamix so everyone would sing along too and you couldn’t hear how bad I was.

5) If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

I’d love to be able to do things at an exceptional speed as I find that there are just not enough hours in the day and I’d also like to be able to read minds, handy for my hubby who just expects me to know things!

6) What do you like to do in your spare time?

As you can imagine, I don’t get a lot of spare time but when I do, I like to spend time with my family, walk my dog and go out with friends to eat and drink wine and cocktails!

7) What 3 people, living or dead, would you invite to dinner?

Robbie Williams, he is a bit of an idiot but I have loved him since I was 11 and he was in Take That – he is amazing live. Alan Carr as he is just hilarious and Karren Brady to discuss business

8) Tell us a bit about yourself…

I have 2 boys aged 3.5 years and 16 months old and married to David who often helps out in the classes (and with the accounts, website other business admin stuff etc too). I work for a bank part time and do Leapfrog in the evenings and weekends, so at the moment most of my time is taken up with working. I love getting away, to a cottage somewhere in the UK or somewhere more exotic ( I also love Ibiza!)

9) Why did you want to work for Leapfrog Sports and what do you enjoy the most about working for Leapfrog Sports?

I began Leapfrog Sports when I was on maternity leave and was looking for something for my eldest son to do as he is extremely active and the only thing I could find was football, I didn’t want him to focus on one sport from a young age and knew it wasn’t recommended to and I wanted the emphasis to be on fun and so decided to start something myself and I did! I do wonder sometimes if I’m mad when I’m working until late in the evening but I love it and am so proud of how we have and are continuing to grow and how far the children have developed since the start and I’ve also loved to get to know all the parents too!

I hope you are having a lovely half term week and I’ll look forward to seeing you all after the break!



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