Is yours broken yet and fantastic news!

Happy New Year to you all – I hope 2019 is a great one for you and your family.

So is it broken yet? What I’m referring to is the new years resolutions that we make every January. The top resolutions are of course to lose weight, exercise more and save money but it is rare if you can keep your resolutions for a whole year and apparently the second Friday in January is now known as ‘Quitter’s day’ when most people are likely to give up on their resolutions.

If you did make a resolution to be more active this year, then why not get involved in our classes with your child – I promise it is MUCH more fun than a gym!! There is also evidence to show that by introducing activity and sport into a child’s life from an early age this forms long term habits and will have a positive impact on health as an adult – so no new years resolutions which will end up being broken will need to be made by them!

It is hard making change and I haven’t made any resolutions this year but instead are focusing on making Leapfrog Sports bigger and better this year and setting myself some targets for that instead! We have some exciting things coming up which I can’t wait to share with you but of course I can’t do it all on my own – I’ll need your help to spread the word about us and here is an easy way…

The fantastic news!! We have won another award!! We have been chosen as the Best in Children’s Sport Classes in the LTG Lifestyle Awards 2019.
We were nominated as a company, products, service or individual who are deserving of recognition and we only went and won it!! I am really pleased to be able to add this to our previous awards and of course huge thanks to the team for making our classes so great!


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