Feedback is a gift?
Never has this well known phrase been as true as it is for me now. I was always sceptical and often said it to friends in a joking way while poking fun at them, but now having started Leapfrog Sports I have been receiving really positive feedback that I am full of pride with how well the classes are doing, how much the children seem to love them and the fact that nearly all the places are now filled and nearly everyone re-signed up must mean that we are doing something right BUT I am still really curious as to what parents and the children in our classes really think, what do they love, what would they change, what do they think we should start doing? For me this feedback truly would be ‘a gift’!
I have designed a short feedback form that I will be asking parents to complete over the next week or so, or please feel free to click on the link below to complete it:
These forms will be completely anonymous so please be as honest as you like and can be. Everything you include will assist Leapfrog Sports to grow and improve and lets see how many gifts I can get!
The sport for this week is Hockey and it has been great to see the progression the children have made moving from Bronze to the Silver term and building on the core skills we have been covering over the weeks. We’ll see you in class!
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