Did you know how important you are?…

This week is Parents in Sport week which is a week to focus on the role of a parent in helping their children reach their potential in sport. (When I talk about parents, I am referring to any parent, guardian, aunt, uncle, grandad, nana etc who brings a child to one of our sessions!)

From our perspective, it is a chance to say a big thank you to our fantastic parents who bring their children to classes each week and provide help and encouragement to the children and not just your own! I know at the weekend it might not always be easy to get up and out (on time!) to get to classes after a busy and tiring week, and so we appreciate seeing everyone of you and the support that you give to our coaches too!

I know through running the sessions, how much it means to the children to have you there. They LOVE sharing activities with you and having time to play with you and happily run off to get you involved in whatever skill we are working on that week.

But, why does the parent matter so much??

The importance of the parent cannot be underestimated. Parents are so important because they can:

  • encourage their children to take up, enjoy and achieve in sport
  • support their children in practical ways – such as by providing transport or buying kit
  • help out with activities
  • support and motivate their child and/or the team
  • reinforce positive aspects of sports participation

They couldn’t do it without you!

The role of the parent is also about ensuring children are kept safe – something that is key to Leapfrog – so by choosing us, you can be assured that staff have Enhanced DBS checks, safeguarding qualifications, coaching qualifications and are first Aid trained.

We love our parents at Leapfrog and are thankful to everyone of you for beginning your child’s journey in the world of sport with us!

If you would like to begin this journey and see all the positives getting involved in sport with your children can bring, then get in touch.


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