I haven’t written this blog for a while as I wanted to give people a chance to read and respond to the feedback requests that I had sent out. Thank you to everyone who has completed the forms, it really does help us but if you still haven’t yet then please do! We will be keeping the form live for you to respond with anything that you think of in the future and if you don’t want to stay anonymous them please feel free to email or speak to us in class.
Amanda and I have gone through all the responses and discussed all the feedback and based on these we will be implementing some suggestions after half term. I have to say that I have been so proud of the feedback and responses we have received and am truly happy that people are enjoying Leapfrog Sports classes as much as we do!
In other news, we are soon going to be starting to offer Leapfrog Sports parties! We are just putting the party package together now and we will let you have more details very soon – so watch out!
Also, due to our Sunday classes being completely full and a waiting list in operation, I am looking at starting a second set of classes at an alternative venue on a Sunday, again look out for details!
Rounders this week before the half term break, we’ll look forward to seeing you in the class!
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