If you read January’s newsletter (and if not, why not?!? – see below why you should be subscribed and how to sign up) You will know that I’d been thinking for a while about how well the free trials that we offer work.
Since we began we have offered a free trial for everyone, so they can come along, see what we do and check that their child enjoys the classes before signing up. However, over many months I have been feeling that this just doesn’t work as well as it should. The first session can often be overwhelming for many children, particularly younger children, and they may not want to join in or not until near the end of the session. Also, it is exciting – a big space where they can run around and have loads of equipment to play with, lots of new faces and they just don’t want to follow what is going on. For parents, this can be sometimes concerning, especially when they feel that it is only their child not following the class (it’s really not) and no amount of reassurance helps. Some give it a go, but often they feel their child may be too young or it isn’t the right fit for them.
I have decided on a solution!
I am going to end free trials and introduce the no obligation ‘half price first month’ (although I may need to come up with a catchier name!)
So from 1st March, there will be no more free trials. You can instead sign up to attend 4 weeks of sessions for only £12, so you can get a real taste of what the classes are like and children will be able to really settle in and see if it is right for them.
I really feel like this will work and for anyone that has been unsure about joining us, why not try this?
From 1st March, instead of seeing the option to book a free trial on our website, you will now have the option to book and pay for the 4 weeks for £12. If you’d like to register your interest in the meantime, then please just get in touch and I’ll forward the details closer to the time.
I’ll look forward to seeing you soon!
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